Welcome to Hell

Welcome to hell. Please take a number. Her Evilness will be with you when she damn well feels like it.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

the Bitch is Back!

oh fuck, the things i've done in the past month.  things i never thought i'd do.....

it started when i said, "sure, i'll come live with you for a month, after you have surgery, and help take care of your kids..."

yes, folks.  imagine me, Satan, in charge of little Spawn.

suffice to say i have now successfully influenced the entire household in matters of drugs, piracy, and other awesome things.

yep.  such a good influence.

The Matt was a good sport about all this - a good thing, too, since he was stuck in NOLA alone working a temp job.  naturally, since it involved a uniform i asked for pictures....
when he asked what kind, i said, "you know, the cheesy porn kind."

evidently, he could have a great career in being a cheesy porn star.
i fully support this... do you know how much money those dudes make??!?!

in other news, we're moving to Austin TX, bitches!  we've got a week to pack up an entire house, and so far, this is all we've got...

i know.  we're completely fucked.  it's cool though, i'm sure we'll get to it sometime...

the cat has realized she's gonna be briefly homeless again, and has taken to pouting in one of the moving boxes.  the Poor Bastard Punk doesn't realize what he's in for yet...  i do NOT look forward to having him yowling at me in a car for hours.  no, i do not.

but he was happy to have me home, at least...

and bitches, am i glad to be home!  for a whole 7 days, that is.

now if only we can find a house to rent in Austin....
anyone know a good place?  cuz i really don't want to have to live in a moving van with two pissed-off cats...